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23 Jan, 2024

#splosewrapped23 – let's take a look back at our year in review

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2 mins to read

As we bid farewell to 2023, it's time to reflect on the journey we've had at splose. This year has been an incredible year of growth, innovation, and collaboration, and we are excited to share some of the highlights with our amazing community.

Team expansion

One of the most significant milestones this year was the growth of our splose team, with a total of 22 dedicated team members. We welcomed plenty of new team members who brought fresh perspectives, diverse talents, and a shared passion for creating innovative practice management software for Allied Health providers.

Product enchantments

In 2023, we were committed to making splose even more intuitive, powerful, and user-friendly. We rolled out hundreds of updates and enhancements based on feedback from our users. Some of our favourite recent features include User Groups, Case Alerts, Account Statements, Email Signatures, Report Filters and more recently Automated Invoice Reminders, Embeddable Referral Forms and Waitlist Screener and our API beta, all designed to streamline your workflow and automate your practice management.

User growth

We are excited to share that splose has more than 7,000 monthly users from practices all across Australia! This increase underscores the value that splose brings to Allied Health & NDIS providers, and we are so excited by the prospect of continuing to support and connect with even more users in 2024.

Partnerships and events

This year, we proudly established meaningful partnerships with industry associations including Speech Pathology Australia, Occupational Therapy Australia, Australian Physiotherapy Association, Australia Chiropractic Association and the Australian Music Therapy Association. These important partnerships show our dedication to supporting each discipline's governing body and actively engaging with the community to address the diverse needs of our users.

Looking ahead: what's next for splose?

  • As we wrap up the year, we're thrilled about the exciting Q1 developments ahead.
  • Custom Roles will allow practices to configure more roles including for contractors and different practitioner levels like team leaders and graduates.
  • Custom Fields let you create your own client data fields which can also be used in forms.
  • NDIS Plan Date Fields will roll out onto a client profile, allowing you to keep track of current and previous plan dates.
  • Waitlist Filters will have greater customisation along with the ability to have a client on a waitlist multiple times for different services.

Thank you to our amazing community

Before we close the chapter in 2023, we want to express our gratitude to each and every one of you – our users, partners, and supporters. Your feedback, enthusiasm, and trust in splose drive us to push boundaries and innovations.

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