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23 Jan, 2024

Streamline your debtor management with automated invoice reminders in splose

The Handover Auto Invoice Reminders
4 mins to read

Maintaining a robust cash flow is pivotal for any practice, and recognising this importance, splose is excited to introduce our latest innovation — the Automated Invoice Reminders feature. This advancement is set to streamline the process of following up on outstanding invoices, offering practices a simplified and efficient solution.

What are automated invoice reminders?

Our latest feature empowers users to automatically send invoice reminders directly to clients or third parties, eliminating the need for additional software. This ensures prompt follow-ups on unpaid invoices. The flexibility to activate reminders at the workspace or individual client level allows practices to customise their debtor management strategy to meet specific needs efficiently.

Key benefits

  • Enhanced cash flow: reduce outstanding debts with automated reminders prompting timely payments.
  • Save time: minimise the administrative effort involved in following up on late payments.
  • Customisable sequences: create a series of reminders based on due dates.
  • Improved communication: maintain professional and consistent communication with customisable invoice templates.

How it works

  1. Setting up your Automated Invoice Reminders is straightforward:
  2. Navigate to the invoice settings in your splose workspace.
  3. Choose to enable automated reminders for all clients or select individual clients for targeted reminders.
  4. Configure the reminder sequence, including the timing and frequency of reminders.
  5. Customise the invoice reminder templates with your messaging and branding.
  6. Once set up, splose will automatically send reminders to the relevant parties based on your configurations. Whether the invoice was sent to the client directly or a third party, the system intelligently follows up to ensure your practice stays on top of receivables.

The outcome

splose's Automated Invoice Reminders go beyond being just a feature; they’re a commitment to empowering practices in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of financial management. This feature is designed to support practices in refining their accounts receivable processes, so they can maintain financial stability while focusing on delivering exceptional services.

With Automated Invoice Reminders, splose continues to showcase its dedication to simplifying practice management through intelligent automation. By enabling this feature, your practice can expect to see a reduction in overdue invoices and an improvement in cash flow, without adding to your team's workload. This is debtor management redefined—efficient, effective, and effortlessly integrated into your splose experience.

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