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23 Jan, 2024

Announcing the splose API beta: unlocking new integration opportunities

The Handover API Beta
4 mins to read

Today marks a thrilling milestone in our ongoing journey to enhance user empowerment – the official release of the splose API beta. This new development paves the way for our users to extract data from splose and build powerful reporting, enabling more insights and custom workflows.

Start a chat with us within your splose workspace to learn more about our API early access.

Why an API?

An Application Programming Interface, commonly known as an API, acts as a bridge, connecting different software platforms and enabling them to communicate with one another.

The beta version of the splose API is focused on real-time reporting and will expand in 2024 to enable endless integration possibilities, allowing businesses to customise their experience and maximise the potential of splose alongside other software tools they employ.

Express your interest

We believe in the value of collaboration and customer insights. As such, before we unveil our API to the broader public, we're opening doors for our current splose customers to be among the first to explore its capabilities.

Benefits of early access

Being part of our API beta program offers numerous advantages:

  1. First-hand experience: get a sneak peek into the API's capabilities before its official release.
  2. Shape the future: your feedback can directly influence the API's development, ensuring it aligns with real-world needs.
  3. Dedicated support: our team will be at your disposal, assisting with integration and answering any queries you might have.
  4. Exclusive documentation: receive early access to comprehensive API documentation, tutorials, and best practices.

How to express interest

Start a chat with us within your splose workspace to learn more about our API early access.

The release of the splose API beta marks the beginning of a new chapter, one where the synergy between splose and other platforms will drive even more efficiency, innovation, and growth.

Stay tuned for upcoming updates that will introduce the capability to create new functionalities. We appreciate your pivotal role in shaping the splose story and thank you for being a valued part of our journey.

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